Ciao Sergio. The occasion is sad, terribly sad, but today I feel like calling you by name, even if I have always addressed you as : Signor Presidente. I never spoke to you, I shook your hand briefly a couple of years ago at the Ferrari Christmas party. I did not need to introduce myself, you knew precisely who I were and what I did in life. You knew very well how strongly I felt about being part of the Ferrari family, my childhood dream.
For this I mourn you today like millions of other people, who respected you and admired you. People like me who often found no words to describe your amazing business records but not only; for all the incredible episodes which established the “made in Italy” as a giant and popular brand around the world. I tried, in my much smaller environment, to promote the name of Alfa Romeo forty years ago in Australia, and for this I know how rewarding and satisfactory your records must be, especially if you multiply a small effort like mine by hundreds, thousands, millions of times.
For this lets not be so sad, the loss is enormous, but the amazing things il Presidente did will stay with us forever. All the people that today are thinking about how great you were, and who will remember your achievements in the future, will contribute to your spirit and your soul to stay alive and to remain with us per sempre. Riposa in pace Sergio, we know you are watching.